Sunday, October 2, 2011

Will Obama Lose?

As we keep inching closer and closer to the election of 2012, I'm not so sure that the republicans should be feeling warm and fuzzy. Slowly but surely, the economy is starting to improve. Has anyone noticed the drop in gas prices? You and I both know that this drop in prices usually trends towards an improvement in the economy, since people will have more change in their pockets.. If the economy improves, President Obama will win re-election. I base a large part of that belief on the fallibility of the republican "tiny-mites" running against him. None of those candidates are very appealing. You need more of a campaign idea than "I'm not Obama." While all of the polls seem to point to the republicans continuing control of the House and most likely, taking control of the Senate, all is not gloomy. However, if my republican and conservative brethren are counting on a repudiation of the president, I can only caution-"not so fast." If I was a betting man, my money is on the president. After all, the republicans will only have themselves to blame. But I will add an even gloomier thought, if the republicans can not win in this electoral climate, when do you see them winning again?????

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    You may well be correct, but how much of the recent drop in gas prices is due to lower demand with Labor Day now in our rear-view mirror?

    Should the economic situation be sluggish with us still mired in a slow recovery at this time next year then President Obama does not have a chance.

    That being said, the Republicans cannot win with any candidate if all they have to offer is (as you said) "I'm not Obama." If this is the case then I would not be surprised by a democrat other than President Obama being nominated at a fractured democratic convention and then elected as President. Far fetched? Not if the scenario painted above comes true.

    Is there any possibility that our country is ready for someone who says something along the lines of,

    "it's past time for fiscal accountability for all from the White House and Congress down to the smallest township."
    Everyone must pay their fair share to include corporate America.
    We must have a flat tax rate with zero loopholes.
    We must allow for fiscal incentives to those job providers who take all the risk.
    Corporations who move their manufacturing and/or distribution plants overseas to avoid taxes should have their products treated and taxed as "imports."
    We must have a balanced budget amendment.
    We must revamp our entitlement programs recognizing that we can only pay out what we've taken in and no more.
    We cannot underwrite a Department of Defense and Social Security at their current levels of nearly 45% of this nations budget.
    (We can no longer underwrite foreign wars or foreign governments at the cost of bankrupting our country's future.)
    We must trim the size of our current federal government by 20% over the next generation.
    We must develop an enforceable immigration policy that both protects our economic and national security interest while preserving the hope held by both our ancestors and law abiding foreigners who today wish to immigrate to the U.S.
    Finally, (though there are additional ideas I might have that one finds equally as fallible as those above) we must reignite a vision in every citizen in every hamlet that citizenship requires certain responsibilities (and accountability to each other) and that part of these responsibilities include caring for all citizens and not just those in our socioeconomic level, our faith group, our political party, or at our level of education. Our government does not exist to provide equal outcomes for all, but we must provide an equal opportunity for all Americans to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

